流体和燃料测试使用实验室环境来模拟车辆部件在现实世界中所承受的条件. 这种分析的结果有助于识别零件在操作过程中可能遇到的任何潜在故障或泄漏.

As a leading testing partner to the automotive industry, im体育APP provides expert laboratory analysis of fluids and fluid systems, 包括发动机油, 传输, 车辆冷却系统, refrigerant fluids and more as part of a 组件 或者系统测试程序.

During fluids and fuel testing, our experts condition the fluid by applying different pressures, 温度, 流速. Thanks to our cutting-edge laboratory equipment and extensive expertise, 我们可以将流体调节到极高或零度以下的温度(从-50°C到+150°C),以确保您的产品能够承受im体育平台app下载的极端温度特征.


在一个最小化能源需求以帮助提高燃料经济性对保持竞争力至关重要的im体育平台app下载中, im体育APP provides testing of fluid cooling systems, battery cooling systems for both internal combustion and 电动/混合动力汽车, AC systems, and additional variations specific to customers’ requirements.

im体育APP provides Tier 1 and Tier 2 automotive manufacturers with timely, 准确的, 和可靠的流体冷却系统分析,产生有价值的性能信息,帮助您优化您的系统, minimize energy for better fuel economy and improve your processes. We test virtually any configuration, from simple O-rings and 软管 完成系统, and our capabilities cover all vehicle classes, 包括乘用车, 跨界车, 运动型多功能车, 皮卡, 公共汽车, 摩托车, 军用车辆, 越野车, 以及其他组件.

Our years of experience in physical, 环境和耐久性测试使我们能够提供车辆流体系统(散热器)的完整分析, 散热器软管, AC线, 冷凝器, 和更多). Our testing also extends to multiple fluid types, 包括液压, 传输, 刹车, 动力转向, 发动机和电池冷却剂, 和乙二醇.


im体育APP最先进的车辆测试设施和im体育平台app下载专家团队使我们能够按照汽车测试标准执行密集的散热器老化测试, and a battery of physical endurance tests after the accelerated aging process. 这为散热器在整个使用寿命期间的性能提供了宝贵的见解.

元件技术人员通过长时间运行高温冷却剂来测试完整的散热器系统, 通常是几千小时, and test the parts for leaks by submerging them in water tanks. The physical tests include mechanical fatigue testing, 技术人员在哪里对散热器端口施加循环载荷以测试疲劳强度, 压力脉冲, 在高温下对具有特定压力剖面的散热器施加循环压力的地方.

这些测试确定了散热器系统通过长时间接触高温冷却剂而机械老化后的长期耐久性. 高温模拟了辐射体在多年过程中所承受的压力, 并允许我们的专家测试具有类似材料强度的样品,这些样品已经使用了很长时间. 这为制造商提供了数据,以帮助他们了解他们的样品在遭受数万或数十万次相同负载后可能会失败. 长期疲劳强度是不同于短期超载的失效模式, and must be validated in testing.


im体育APP合作,您可以利用我们的实验室基础设施, encompassing Class 1 Division 1 environmental chambers. Our extensive expertise in materials and 产品合格测试 对于运输im体育平台app下载,我们可以满足您的所有测试需求. We have broad expertise in fluids and fuel analysis to support your R&D projects and help you meet regulatory specifications. 我们的目标是确保您的产品在整个使用寿命期间都是耐用和安全的.

了解更多关于我们完整的流体测试和分析服务或我们的许多其他车辆系统测试能力, im体育APP 今天. 

Operating in one of the largest testing facilities within North America, 我们的专家使用先进的设备和仪器进行流体和燃料测试.

Our laboratory is outfitted with:    

  • 两个浸泡房间(一个+40°C) & 一个在+60°C)
  • Two thermal cycles with fuel test stands (temperature from -40°C to +65°C), each holding and running six samples (25 gal tank size)
  • Nine rated class 1 division 1 chambers (temperature -40°C to +125°C)
  • Fuel chamber rated -40°C to +125°C, 1.5°C /分钟
  • Helium leak tester and refrigerant leak tester
  • 两个燃油额定流量工作台(温度控制),测量压力、电压、电流 & RPM
  • Burst chamber rated to 45,000 psi  

我们丰富的知识和经验使我们能够提供全面的流体和燃料测试方案, supporting the following tests: 

  • 丁烷 & 汽油工作容量 
  • 罐老化 & 耐用性 
  • 燃料帽 & 填充物颈部测试 
  • Fuel Filter 测试 接触测试  
  • Fuel Pressure Switches/Regulators 测试 
  • 燃油泵耐久性试验 
  • 燃油泵性能测试 
  • 燃油轨耐久性试验 & 接触测试 
  • 燃油管路测试
  • 快速连接测试
  • Fuel Soak, Hot or Cold Temperature Cycling
  • Fuel Tank Aging and Performance 测试 
  • 燃油蒸气暴露 
  • 氦泄漏测试 
  • Integrated Air Fuel Module (IAFM) Validation 测试 
  • Onboard Refueling Vapor Recovery (ORVR)
  • SHED测试,Mini & 微 

我们的专家根据许多国家和国际标准进行燃料测试和分析, as well as technical specifications and industry standards, 包括:  

American Society for 测试 and Materials

ASTM J2334; ASTM D380

多伊奇es Institut für Normung

DIN 75302; DIN 50021 SS

International Organization for Standardization

ISO 4548; ISO 16750-5; ISO 1817; ISO 527-1/2

Japanese Industrial Standards

Jis d 0203

Society of 汽车 Engineers

SAE J 2044; SAE J 2045; SAE J 2064; SAE J 1681; SAE J 20R3; SAE J 3062; SAE J 343


BMW G2X; BMW LH10356669-000-02

Borg Warner Specification P514A_b

BRP es - 122 


Continental S0283 Rev B; Continual SYVVS_ENV_Bobcat-DIS-NGD 

Daimler Specification A2100064099

Engineering Work Request EWR 12716-60

ES-CU5A-9H307-AA; ES-DS7H-19B591-AA


葬礼一个.210 006 4099; FCA PF.1118; FCA PF.8477; FCA PF.90242; FCA PF. 500 EL; FCA PF.11007; FCA PF.9.0015; FCA PF.9.0080; FCA PF.900035; FCA PF.90335; FCA PF.90197; FCA PF.10881; FCA PF.11051; FCA PF.11746; FCA PF.12226; FCA PF.90315; FCA PF.A0551; FCA PS.9163; FCA SD.11597 


福特ES 97760-01, Ford ES ACP1-5A967-AA; Ford ES FL3E-6N660-AA; Ford ES HL3E-6N660-AA; Ford ESBT4P-7H420-AC_Rev A_TOC; Ford ES-CU5A-9H307-AA; Ford ESDG93-18B402; Ford ES-DG93-8260-AA; Ford ES-DG9P-&H322-AA; Ford ESDS7H-19B591-AA; Ford ES-FU5A-9J279-AA; Ford ES-HC24-8005-AA; Ford ES-HC24-8005-CB; Ford ESHC24-8005-CE; Ford ESHL3E-6N660-AA ; Ford ES-HL3E-8C369-AA; Ford ESJT4E-6C683-AA; Ford ESJU5A-9H307-AA; Ford ES-XS71-540A06-AA; Ford LX6E-9J433-AB & ES-JT4E-9J433-AA; Ford WSE-MM96D34 & ESDG93-18B402-AA

GM 14655; GM 6130; GM 9676; GM 9080

GMW 14081; GMW 14192; GMW 14319; GMW 14322; GMW 14329; GMW 15024; GMW 14638, GMW 14785; GMW 15310; GMW 16288; GMW 15432; GMW 15667; GMW 15570; GMW 16654; GMW 15724; GMW 15773; GMW 15829; GMW 15964; GMW 15986; GMW 16153; GMW 16270; GMW 16295; GMW 16296; GMW 16409; GMW 17246; GMW 17137; GMW 17334; GMW 17335; GMW 17582, GMW 3013; GMW 3172; GMW 15784; GMW 14091; GMW 14658; GMW 16295; GMW 16527; GMW 3056, GMW 15390; GMW 3155; GMW 3172


Honda 1950Z-R2A-M001; Honda 7521Z-S3V-A000; Honda EAOB DRG # 3J20Z-EA0B-0000 (A-A010-M1); Honda EAOB; Honda Specification 7140ZTLA-0030-A1506980

KIA 1F-SG-0002; KIA ESPE Pressure Cycle A/C Lines; KIA ES35320-04

LP-500 EL-02, PF-10577; LP-500 EL03; LP-500 EL04; LP-500 EL05; LP-500 EL06

Mercedes A 210 006 4099; Mercedes A 211 830 06 00 ZGS 003; Mercedes A 211 830 06 00 ZGS 004-d

MIL-Std DTL-26500; MIL-Std D1L-2650G

NES E-D5803, NES E-D5804; NES E-D5805; NES D5806 WH-4b 

Nissan 2100 NDS02; Nissan MES PA15185A; Nissan NES D 5313 EH-21; Nissan NES D5501

PF.90035; PF-12226; PF-12282 and CS-11982 Rev E; PF-90242 Gas Fuel Module Specification; PF-90298 (S, E, D)


TL Spec82253 



沃尔沃e - 23398 - 03

ZF 1094 700 127-089



Electronic Components 测试



汽车嗡嗡声,吱吱声 & 喋喋不休的测试

im体育APP’s large multiaxial silent shaker can perform buzz, 吱吱声, 和振动(BSR)测试与快速周转时间的组件高达700磅, to help manufacturers create quieter products.

混合动力 and Electric Vehicle Battery 测试

混合动力 & Electric Vehicle Battery 测试

We perform validation testing on Li-ion and Ni-MH battery cells, 模块, 超级电容器和封装,以确保您的产品的安全和性能.

Noise Vibration and Harshness testing

What is Noise Vibration and Harshness 测试?

im体育APP experts use industry leading NVH testing methods, 硬件, and software to assist our customer in developing safe, 质量, 兼容的, and enjoyable products to bring to the marketplace.


我们的团队超过9人,000 从事专家 in North America, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, Asia and Africa are ready to help you.