im体育APP is a leading provider of seismic testing, qualification 和 certification services, providing manufacturers with the specialist design, 发展, 和 qualification support required for products destined for seismically active countries 和 nuclear applications. 

When seismic or natural disasters strike, you must be certain that your safety–critical electrical, 机电, 和 mechanical equipment systems react in a safe 和 controlled manner.


Earthquake simulation 和 seismic vibration testing

Our triaxial shaker table 和 wide range of 振动和冲击试验 equipment enable us to replicate the extreme seismic conditions which a product may be subjected to during an earthquake.


Test plan 和 strategy creation

  • 夹具设计
  • 探索性测试
  • 单轴试验
  • 双轴测试
  • 三轴地震试验
  • 资格文件

We also perform testing to bespoke or custom criteria. Please contact our seismic experts with your specific requirements.


Seismic testing 和 simulation

Seismic simulation testing ensures that critical equipment can operate accurately 和 safely during 和 after a seismic event. Our testing services assess performance of non-structural systems after large events such as earthquakes, or routine vibration conditions such as nearby railroads, 机场, 或者发电厂.

Equipment capabilities include:

  • Test Chamber Dimensions: 48" x 48" chambers
  • Speed Range: Up to 40 in/sec velocity
  • 容量:500hz
  • 环境:10.5”位移



im体育APP是的提供者 设备资格 Services for the seismic testing of equipment intended for 核 New Builds, Refurbishment 和 Decommissioning


FEA 和 design qualification for seismic environments

Working in close partnership with product 发展 和 design, our 咨询服务 Finite im体育APP Analysis (FEA) services reduce the risk of product failure by applying our specialist underst和ing of the environment in which the product will operate. 

Incorporating a best practice approach to seismic design early into a product’s design process enables the product’s performance to be suitably improved to withst和 the potential shaking 和 vibration of an earthquake or any other cause of movement or vibration such as nuclear power plants, 机场或铁路.

im体育APP’s pre-qualification testing services increase the likelihood that a product will pass the testing process on the first attempt, removing the potential for future redesign work 和 the associated costs 和 delays.


Seismic shear 和 seismic tension testing of anchors

im体育APP is also accredited by the International Accreditation Service (IAS) to conduct the specialized testing of concrete anchors including moving crack 和 seismic testing, as well as the Method A embrittlement test, required for two acceptance criteria, AC193和AC308.



im体育APP helps manufacturers to identify 和 underst和 the implications of environmental testing 和 compliance. Our seismic testing 和 certification services ensure a product will continue to perform without loss of function under the most extreme vibration conditions 和 are therefore essential for nuclear equipment manufacturers of safety-critical systems 和 components.

 For more information about our seismic testing services, 今天就im体育APP的专家.
American National St和ards Institute


American Society of Civil Engineers

Ssce 7-10 / ac 156

British 核 Fuels Limited

BNFL et 372


en 60068-3-3

欧洲an Telecommunications St和ards Institute

ETSI EN 300 019-2-3, ETSI EN 300 019-2-4


California Building Code (CBC), International Building Code (IBC), Telecordia GR-63-CORE


Our deliverable is certainty - high quality data, test reports 和 certificates that you can absolutely rely on when making decisions about your materials 和 compliance. 今天就和专家交流.

making certain for nearly 190 years


核 设备资格

核 设备资格

im体育APP’s 核 设备资格 (EQ) Services are an essential part of the safety checking process for nuclear power plants



Find out how im体育APP's vibration testing services help to make certain that the products we test for our customers will perform safely 和 as expected when in the field.



im体育APP helps companies achieve compliance against global safety st和ards for 167 countries.



Learn more about our laboratories - where they are located; the unique capabilities they have 和 how they can help you solve your technical 和 commercial challenges.


我们的团队超过9人,000 从事专家 in North America, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, Asia 和 Africa are ready to help you.