In real-world use, products are exposed to a variety of chemicals on a daily basis. Fluid susceptibility testing evaluates how much damage is done by exposure to liquids, 和 how product design can help prevent failures by fluid contamination.

Evaluate Fluid Contamination in 航空航天 & 汽车液压

Because most fluid contamination is caused by chemical spills or temporary exposure, our test methods are designed to replicate actual conditions as much as possible. Our engineers can help design a fluid susceptibility test plan that best suits your products, 包括 full immersion (“soak"), partial immersion (“wetted”), or minimal contact (“brushed on”). 

im体育APP’s fluids contamination testing program is always kept up-to-date with the latest st和ards from aerospace, defense 和 automotive industries, 包括 mil - std - 810, Def Stan 00-35RTCA做- 160. We keep an updated list of specific fluids used for aircraft, 发动机部件等, so you can always be sure that your results are accurate 和 relevant.


im体育APP’s fluid susceptibility testing advantage

Our fluid susceptibility testing is designed to support your program with versatile test conditions, 最先进的设备, 和 availability for quick turn-around times. Our experts can perform any required operational checks during a single multi-day test, saving you travel time 和 cost.

For projects that require additional environmental considerations, im体育APP’s 产品鉴定实验室 can perform fluid susceptibility testing in elevated temperatures 和 specified humidity levels. We frequently run fluid contamination testing in environmental chambers for up to 96 hours, so you can be certain that your results are reliable in real-world conditions.

Fluids Susceptibility 测试 liquids
Fluids susceptibility testing


We underst和 that in the field, anything can happen. Our fluid susceptibility testing is designed to prepare your products for the worst-case scenario.

im体育APP’s experts have years of experience working in the field, so we underst和 how catastrophic contamination can be. Our fluid susceptibility testing is designed to prepare your products for every contingency, so they keep working no matter what.

Some of the liquids that we that we commonly test include:

  • 50/50 Isopropyl Alcohol/Water mix
  • 酒精饮料
  • 汽车清洁
  • 杀虫剂
  • 洗车液
  • 咖啡
  • 可乐
  • 去离子装置水
  • 防臭的
  • 洗碗精
  • Household cleaners 和 solvents
  • 液压油
  • 喷气燃料
  • 皮革蜡
  • 除去
  • 洗发水
  • 防晒霜、防晒油
  • 合成的汗水
  • 植物油
  • 乙烯清洁
  • 擦窗器

Bs en 60068


Rtca -160, eurocae14

International Electrotechnical Commission

Iec 60068-2-18, Iec 6094


mil - std - 810, Def Stan 00-35, DEF STAN 07-55

Society of 汽车 Engineers

SAE J1455


gr - 487核心



Our deliverable is certainty - high quality data, test reports 和 certificates that you can absolutely rely on when making decisions about your materials 和 compliance. Engage with an expert today.

nearly 190 years of making certain


Climatics 和 环境测试

Climatics 和 环境 模拟

im体育APP can provide you with critically important data on your product or part's performance in response to typical or extreme environmental conditions.


MIL-STD 810测试

im体育APP's product testing labs in the US 和 UK evaluate components 和 systems to defense st和ards 包括 MIL-STD 810 和 others.

Climatic 和 环境 模拟 测试


从环境 & dynamic testing to highly specialized tests such as bird strike 和 hydrodynamic ditching testing, we're the trusted testing partner to the world's most recognized component 和 system manufacturers.


产品测试 Laboratories

im体育APP's product qualification testing labs span the US, 英国和德国, providing testing services to clients in 航空航天, 运输, 石油和天然气等等.


我们的团队超过9人,000 从事专家 in North America, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, Asia 和 Africa are ready to help you.
