Has your 产品 or component failed and you need to understand why? Learn from the past and prevent future failures with im体育APP’s expert 故障分析服务. 找出根本原因, 降低风险, and enhance the overall quality and performance of your 产品s, 材料, 或组件,以防止未来的损坏.  


What is Failure Analysis and why is it Important? 

故障分析是多方面的, holistic approach to understanding why 材料 or 产品s fail. It is a critical aspect of 产品 development and system improvement which not only helps you learn from the past but helps prevent future failures.

While the root cause analysis and associated impacts of any failure are the primary goals, the results can also help you make changes in your processes or material selection to prevent future occurrences. 阅读我们的文章找出答案 three reasons to perform failure analysis

im体育APP teams provide expert failure analysis and reporting through a range of technical services, 包括 stress analysis and material characterization, 痕量证据分析, 法医工程, 和更多的. 


Key benefits of 故障分析服务 with us

  • Gain insight into failures with our precision root cause identification: Our initial investigation involves an in-depth discovery phase, considering environmental factors contributing to failure, 申请类型, 它服役多久了, 设计特点. im体育APP's analysts apply diverse methods and tools for detailed inspection leading to root case determination. 
  • Conquer complex non-metallic material challenges: Non-metallic material failure analysis presents a unique challenge. While the initial analysis process is the same, our labs use specialist fractographic interpretation and analytical testing, 为这些类型的材料量身定制. As there are so many different formulations and combinations of non-metallic 材料, we often use intensive material identification programs to help pinpoint the origin and degradation of non-metals.
  • 确保安全和合规性: We know that reliability and safety are paramount in your industry. Our failure analysis experts combine extensive global and 国家 standards knowledge with years of experience, so you can feel confident in the accuracy and compliance of their solutions, 无论你身处哪个im体育平台app下载.
  • Mitigate risks and navigate litigation challenges with our 专家证人服务:我们广泛的 专家证人服务 deliver critical testimony or expertise in legal and insurance cases involving material, 产品, 或者部件故障. 无论是合规案例, 专利侵权, or detecting evidence of abuse or defects, 我们提供全面的支持. 
  • Digital solutions for advanced Finite im体育APP Analysis (FEA): Our FEA experts use computer-aided design (CAD), 在职数据, 并对材料数据进行深入分析, efficiently examining multiple failure scenarios without full-scale testing expenses. We collaborate with physical testing experts to suggest solutions and validate simulations with physical testing.
  • 石油专家 & 天然气工业:为了石油 & 天然气im体育平台app下载, our experts specialize in analyzing pipelines, 钻井设备, 泵, 阀门, 和海豹. We acknowledge the criticality of key asset failures, 提供详细的见解, 建议, 以及潜在的诉讼支持.








im体育APP's Metallurgy and Failure Analysis Expert


“Every time we've needed a failure analysis with a quick turnaround, im体育APP has been there to fill that role with impeccable quality and turnaround time. ”



Rapid, Reliable, and Comprehensive Solutions for Future Failure Prevention

Based on findings from the failure analysis process, im体育APP’s experts provide 建议 and work closely with you to find solutions for a wide range of 产品s and 材料. Our combination of 材料 expertise and understanding of environmental impacts  means we can swiftly deliver comprehensive results, ensuring resolutions and preventing future in-service failures. You can rely on the certainty, speed, and flexibility we provide.


Multidisciplinary Failure Analysis Approach Across the Whole 产品 Life Cycle

Our approach to root cause analysis of failures stretches across your whole 产品 life cycle, from the design and selection of 材料 through the manufacturing process and how the 产品 is used in service. Since issues during any one (or combination) of these stages can cause failures, we know it’s important to investigate them all thoroughly.

Such a broad variety of circumstances requires an equally wide range of analysis methods; that’s why we offer services ranging from fractography, 成分测定, 力学性能测试, 微观结构分析, and material comparison to specifications and expectations. 洞察设计的影响, 处理, 组件使用, 以及未来的行为, rest assured that we can help identify and troubleshoot your 产品’s failure, 无论何时发生.


Expert 故障分析服务 that you can Trust


访问世界知名 腐蚀技术 提供一系列的服务, 包括 root cause failure determination, 渣识别, 防腐咨询, 以及法律案件支持. 



你的产品或材料会失败吗, im体育APP’s scientists utilize cutting-edge surface analysis techniques, 如 扫描电子显微镜(SEM) to swiftly identify the root cause of failure.


利用im体育APP的 化学实验室 to unravel the chemical material composition and the manufacturing processes, providing key insights into failure occurrences.  


利用SEM和EDAX分析, im体育APP identifies residual deposits on your 材料, distinguishing between surface stains and signs of corrosion or material failure.



For components too large or critical to transport off-site or in challenging environments, 如 offshore oil and 气体 installations or power generation plants, im体育APP offers expertise and portable chemical equipment for in-situ examinations.


失效分析 of metals/metallurgical failure analysis  

Our metallurgical analysis reveals the cause of metal component failures, 防止未来再次发生. Trust our experts to deliver the root cause for your component confidence.


  • 故障分析调查
  • Metallurgical consulting and expert witnessing
  • 非金属失效分析 
  • 裂缝分析
  • 扫描电子显微镜(SEM)
  • 能量色散光谱(EDS)
  • 光学显微镜
  • 光学立体显微镜
  • 硬度测试
  • 金相制备
  • 显微硬度测试
  • 夹杂物分析
  • 拉伸试验
  • Joint plaintiff-defense investigations for lawsuits
  • 焊缝失效分析
  • Printed Circuit Board (PCB) failure analysis
  • 疲劳失效 



im体育APP在美国的实验室, UK, 欧洲, 中东, and Asia have decades of hands-on experience in performing failure analysis. Our global network of experts is recognized as some of the most trusted in their field for providing reliable failure analysis to diverse clients across many industries, 包括 航空航天能源运输建设医疗设备和消费产品.

Our testing meets a wide array of standards set by local, 国家, and global regulatory bodies so you can be confident that 建议 from im体育APP will be compliant. We collaborate with organizations like the American Society for 测试 and Materials (ASTM), the Inter国家 Organization for Standardization (ISO), 美国食品和药物管理局, 还有很多其他的, ensuring the rigorous regulation of your 材料 and 产品s. 

To learn more about im体育APP’s credentials, please visit our 关于我们 page. To discuss how we can support your failure analysis needs, 今天就联系专家.

我们对金属和非金属都做测试, across a broad range of 材料 包括 but not limited to:


  • 铝及铝合金
  • 铸铁
  • 钴及钴合金
  • 铜及铜合金
  • 镁及镁合金
  • 镍及镍合金
  • 粉末金属
  • 钛及钛合金
  • 焊接


  • 合金和不锈钢弹簧
  • 铝和钢汽车和卡车车轮
  • 铝和钢活塞
  • 轴承
  • 螺栓、垫圈、铆钉和螺母紧固件
  • 黄铜管道装置
  • 散热器的钎焊接头
  • Carburized, nitrided, and induction-hardened gears and shafts
  • Cast iron and cast aluminum cylinder blocks and heads
  • 铸铁制动转子
  • 发动机中的碎片和颗粒
  • Cobalt, stainless steel, and titanium alloy body joint implants
  • 控制手臂和关节
  • Ductile iron and forged steel crankshafts
  • Metal plating, thermal spray, and other coatings
  • 主人的座位
  • 油漆装饰和车身面板
  • 钢制安全气囊充气机
  • 钢和铸铁管
  • 钢钩和铁链
  • 钢制拖车吊钩
  • 钢轮轴
  • 工具钢模具

The Importance of Failure Analysis 测试

A guide to understanding how engineering failure analysis is used to prevent failures and improve your 产品’s design, 材料, 制造技术, 检查方法.


Mechanical Failure Analysis Storytelling

When we receive an initial RFQ for failure analysis, we have basic questions that will help us determine how complex the story is. To learn more about mechanical failure analysis, or if you have any questions, 今天就im体育APP的团队. 了解更多

Three Reasons to Perform Failure Analysis

失效分析 is a process by which a failed 产品 is inspected to determine what caused it to fail. 方法各不相同, but all seek to determine the root cause of the failure by looking at the characteristics and clues left behind.



Our teams provide expert failure analysis and reporting through a range of technical services, 包括 stress analysis and material characterization, 痕量证据分析 and 法医工程. 

Root Cause Analysis for 石油 and 天然气工业

油的根本原因分析 & 天然气工业

im体育APP’s failure analysis experts help you understand the causes of asset failure, 就补救行动提供意见, and support you in any potential litigation you may face.



im体育APP experts are here to help you with your failure analysis on 塑料, 复合材料, 橡胶, 粘合剂, 密封剂, 油漆和涂料.



im体育APP's dedicated rail testing experts work with you through every step of the process, helping you understand defects and failures before further damage occurs.

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im体育APP offers advanced numerical analysis service using Finite im体育APP Analysis (FEA) techniques using industry standard software to predict the long term behavior of 材料 components and 产品s when in service.

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im体育APP offers 专家证人服务 to legal and insurance firms to provide testimony with precision and expertise.

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Our fractography services can help determine the cause of failure, 乏力, 或金属材料的缺陷.


我们的团队超过9人,在北美聘用了000名专家, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, 亚洲和非洲随时准备帮助你们.