用信心验证您的产品-验证它们的性能, safety, and compliance using Element’s world-leading PQT services. 拥有国内最大、最完整的产品鉴定测试能力和服务, we can help you drive innovation across Aerospace, Construction, Consumer Products, Defense, Digital Engineering, Energy, Life Sciences, Transportation, and Telecommunications.


What is Product Qualification Testing?

产品资格测试(PQT)是对产品进行评估,以确保其符合规定的标准和法规. Through a series of tests, it verifies performance, safety, and compliance with industry requirements. 这个过程保证了产品的质量和可靠性, 在进入市场之前,确保你的产品是安全的,适合用途的.


Key Benefits of Product Qualification Testing Services

  • Strategic Support for R&D Challenges: Our experts provide crucial specialist knowledge, 帮助您克服复杂的研发挑战.
  • Efficient Testing for Faster Time to Market: Sound testing programs save time and money, 确保更快的上市时间和卓越的产品成果.
  • Comprehensive Risk Mitigation: Designed to minimize risk, 我们的计划通过彻底的迭代测试和全生命周期指导来提高产品的可靠性和安全性.
  • Global Market Access and Compliance: 国际认证计划和认可报告促进了各大洲快速进入全球市场, ensuring legislative and governmental compliance.
  • End-to-End Assurance and Expertise: With over 100 years of testing experience and ISO 17025, ISO 9100, NADCAP, and JOSCAR accreditations, we provide you with end-to-end services, certifying your products as safe, quality, and compliant.


Product Qualification Testing (PQT) Expertise

Element在尖端的研究、开发和测试方面与客户合作. 无论是未来飞机和航天器的组成部分, groundbreaking innovations in autonomous vehicles, delicate medical implants for the human body, or the latest in digital and wireless communication devices, Element在为不同im体育平台app下载的产品安全提供专业知识方面处于领先地位. 



In our state-of-the-art testing facilities, we simulate real-world conditions through electromagnetic, environmental simulation, climatic, and mechanical testing to advance your products. 我们帮助您的作品抵御一生的挑战, 为您提供产品经过测试和认证的保证.


Your Product Qualification Testing Experts

David Lichtman

David Lichtman

Product Qualification expert, Aerospace & Defense

Read More About David

Chris Stone

Department Head of Testing Solutions.

“Element offers both routine testing (Dynamics, Climatic, and EMI/EMC) as well as specialty and bespoke testing. Our goal is not to be just your test house, 而是帮助你实现最终目标的积极伙伴. 我们的专家可以设计定制的测试平台,可以在现场对故障进行基准测试, 允许改进的重新设计,可以很快测试成功. We are your one-stop shop for any of your testing needs.”

David Lichtman


Product Quality Testing Key Services


  • Advice: 我们提供了一个强大的测试程序,成本效益和加速市场进入. 我们的专家可以帮助您克服复杂的挑战,确保从一开始就取得成功.
  • Testing: 我们在北美和南美拥有领先的工程模拟和测试设施, Europe, and Asia replicate the electromagnetic, climatic, 以及产品使用寿命中遇到的机械条件.
  • Certification: Our international certification 程序可以帮助你了解目标市场的需求, identify what standards and tests are required, 并编写申请认证所需的技术文件.
  • Market access: 我们的认证团队使用我们认可的测试报告和国内权威机构,为您提供快速 global market access to virtually any territory worldwide.


Why Choose Element?

As your global market access partner, we offer a comprehensive suite of end-to-end services, supported by certifications from ISO 17025, ISO 9100, JOSCAR, and NADCAP-accredited labs, ensuring unmatched customer confidence. With over a century of testing expertise, 我们的客户信任我们在不同im体育平台app下载提供无与伦比的产品资格测试.

有关我们全球产品测试服务的更多信息或要求报价, contact us today. 

Find out more about Element 以及我们在测试、检验和认证im体育平台app下载的信誉.

Element Product Qualification Testing Services

How to get a product tested for safety and pass first time?

Why do so many Products Fail Safety Testing? 阅读我们的有用指南,确保您的电气产品第一次通过安全测试.



阅读我们的文章,了解什么是全球市场准入(GMA)以及如何获得无线认证, electronic, & radio devices globally.

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Featured services


EMC Testing Services

了解Element如何为RTCA/DO-160提供电磁兼容性测试(EMC)解决方案, MIL-STD-461 and Def-Stan 59-411 standards.

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Radio Testing

Radio Testing


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Product Safety Testing card 640x480

Product Safety Testing

Element是帮助电气设备制造商的理想合作伙伴, 进口商和分销商获得快速有效的产品安全测试和认证,需要在全球范围内交易他们的产品.

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综合温度、海拔、湿度和振动测试640 × 480

Environmental Simulation

Find out how Element provides combined altitude, humidity, 温度和振动测试,以模拟航空航天领域的真实环境条件.

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Climatic and Environmental Simulation Testing

Combined Temperature, Altitude, Humidity & Vibration Testing

Element provides combined altitude, humidity, temperature & 振动测试,以满足测试要求和模拟真实情况.

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Structural Dynamics Testing

了解有关Element的结构动力学测试服务的更多信息, which provide reliable, consistent data to the world’s most critical industries. From aerospace to construction, we help ensure that your products are fit for use, no matter what the application. 

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Vibration Testing Equipment

Vibration Testing


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Fuel Systems Testing

Fuel Systems


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RTCA DO-160 Testing

Working with Element, 我们的客户可以获得世界上任何独立航空航天产品认证测试公司最全面的EMC和环境测试能力.

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ATEX Certification & Testing

Explosive Atmospheres Testing


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Modeling and Simulation Services

Modeling and Simulation Services

利用我们的建模和仿真服务优化您的项目. Our expertise ensures cost-effective, compliant solutions. Enhance your project today.

Matter Smart Home Standard

Matter Smart Home Standard

Element提供Matter智能家居标准认证. 我们的专家是全球为数不多的提供指导和测试的测试和认证实验室之一.


Our team of over 9,000 Engaged Experts in North America, Europe, The Middle East, Australia, Asia and Africa are ready to help you.