
Electrical 产品 安全测试, Why Do So Many 产品s Fail?

How to get a product tested for safety and pass first time?

Unfortunately, many products fail electrical safety testing and certification 第一次. 这个令人沮丧的事实往往是很容易避免的产品 electrical safety requirements been considered earlier and more thoroughly. 

安全测试, the safety approval process, 在产品的初始设计和概念中应考虑适用的标准. 如果设计团队没有意识到产品在法规遵从性方面必须满足的需求, it is not surprising that the product later fails approval. A common product pathway is to design the product before selecting the standard, leaving someone with the unenviable task of then trying to fit the product to it. If a product is designed to a specific standard from the outset, and a copy of the standard is kept to hand throughout the product’s development, 到那时,它在获得监管部门批准时遇到任何问题的可能性要小得多. This approach can save considerable time and money, helping to avoid costly re-designs and unnecessary delays to market. 


Achieve success first time

而避免失败则取决于相关标准和相关产品的具体情况, there are key points that can frequently help avoid it. A key target should always be to achieve success first time at the testing, 批准, and certification phase. 以下是im体育APP电气安全团队的建议,以避免一些最常见的产品故障原因:


Avoid unnecessary delays due to EMC failures

EMC design mistakes that result in a product failing 电磁兼容测试 非常普遍. 电磁兼容测试 usually requires considerable customer involvement, so it is usually best if it is undertaken before other safety testing. If a product fails at EMC, 组件可能需要更改或调整以解决可能影响安全合规性的故障. EMC和安全预合规评估和测试可以降低发生这种情况的风险. 尽早寻求建议以预防未来的问题永远是更安全、更经济的选择. im体育APP的 咨询服务 与制造商的产品开发和设计团队合作,让他们了解未来的需求,并确保产品的合规途径得到仔细考虑.


Consider creepage and clearance distances

任何安全符合性测试的一个重要部分将是检查爬电和间隙的标准要求. 确保印刷电路板(PCB)布局在一开始就正确,可以真正节省时间和精力. 该标准将定义最小爬电要求和允许的间隙距离. The distances may vary between standards, 因此,了解您的产品将根据哪个标准进行测试,并确保在产品设计阶段有一份副本可供参考,这一点至关重要. 

The following factors will influence the creepage distances:

  • Long-term RMS value of the voltage
  • 污染程度
  • 材料组/CTI
  • 爬电距离的方向和位置(以使爬电距离不受未设计的污染积聚的不利影响)
  • Shape of insulating surface (effective for pollution degree 3 only, to prevent accumulation of water or pollution)

The following factors will influence the clearance distances:

  • Impulse withstand voltage
  • 暂时过电压 
  • Steady-state peak voltage or recurring peak voltages
  • Electric field conditions (inhomogeneous/homogeneous)
  • 海拔高度(在海拔2000米以上运行的设备需增加乘数)
  • 污染程度 in the micro-environment

玻璃, 陶瓷, or other inorganic insulating materials which do not track, 爬电距离的要求可能与相应的间隙距离相同. 另外, 涂层, 盆栽, 或成型防止污染也减少间隙和爬电距离.


Get the enclosure right

外壳确保用户不会直接接触到产品的任何危险部件, may be used to help contain an internal product fire should it happen, and prevent moisture and dust ingress or accumulation in unwanted areas. 因此,可以检查开口的可达性及其防火能力. When reviewing the electrical enclosure for safety requirements, 考虑非金属外壳材料具有合适的可燃性等级或灼热丝可燃性指数是至关重要的, if the material is plastic, it is the appropriate thickness for the flammability rating. It is also important that insulating materials, 涂料, and PCBs should be resistant to ignition and spread of fire.


Choose pre-approved components

选择预先批准的安全关键组件,确保组件在最终产品中进行测试, it doesn’t need to be tested separately, which takes additional time and can cause delays. It is worth remembering that custom-made parts may be a solution to a design issue, but they can then later affect compliance: im体育APP经常出现的一个问题是产品被修改过或者没有按照正确的规格使用. im体育APP也经常看到产品要么有CE标志,但没有必要的认可测试报告,要么有测试报告,但没有正确或最合适的标准. CE Mark 测试 Requirements and 认证 should be thoroughly checked for the product.


Review technical documentation and instruction manuals


所需的安全相关文件必须包括技术规范和制造商的名称和地址, 使用说明, and a clear explanation of any symbols used on the product.

The instructions not only need to be correct but also easy to understand.

Address the following user issues:

  • 如何使用该产品
  • How not to use the product
  • How to maintain the product


Remember labeling and product markings

由于标签和产品标记不佳,产品往往达不到安全标准要求. Required markings include the manufacturer’s name, trademark and model number and also the appropriate warning markings, and equipment ratings such as supply voltage and frequency.


Think about the product’s environment

最后,产品将要进入的环境是什么,它将如何被使用? Will it be humid and at risk of moisture exposure, for example? Will the public or only trained individuals be using it? These are all questions that, if the product has undergone pre-qualification testing, will already have been considered but if not, 它们会引发问题.

该产品的出口市场仍处于测试阶段,这并不罕见. 然而, 出口要求通常会导致产品被修改或需要额外的第三方测试, which could have been avoided if pre-compliance procedures had been carried out.




im体育APP致力于通过尽可能彻底的准备来帮助客户增加成功的机会. im体育APP的预合规咨询服务从一开始就提供战略指导,以支持制造商通过复杂的资格测试. From the initial concept and then throughout the whole development cycle, 我们的咨询服务在做出关键决策时提供专家支持,这将有助于在产品达到测试时首次取得成功, 批准, and certification stage.

如果您想进一步了解电气安全测试要求以及如何准备您的产品进行测试, 请 contact one of our electrical product safety testing experts today.

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IEC 62368 - 1

IEC 62368 - 1:2018 产品 Safety Guide

阅读我们的指南,了解IEC 62368 - 1:2018的技术变化,这些变化可能会影响产品制造商.


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