
石棉 FAQ #1 - 什么是石棉清除?




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im体育APP’s UK 石棉 National Account Manager, 罗斯Heeley has almost 20 years of experience in the asbestos industry. Starting his career in 2004 and completing all relevant BOHS P-Modules, Ross has become a highly respected multi-disciplined industry consultant.


The removal of higher-risk asbestos-containing materials (sprayed asbestos coatings, 石棉保温, 石棉滞后, and most work involving the 石棉 Insulating Board (AIB)) should only be carried out by a licensed contractor.

许可 石棉清除 work is a significantly hazardous job because it involves higher-risk asbestos-containing materials (ACMs). These materials are more likely to release larger quantities of asbestos fibers when being removed than lower-risk materials (such as asbestos cement). 结果是, workers who are employed in removing higher-risk ACMs require specific training and should follow specific working practices. Workers should also use sophisticated respiratory protective equipment (RPE) and are legally required to be under regular medical surveillance. Because of the hazardous nature of this work, a license is required from HSE.

There are some 石棉清除 tasks, involving lower-risk asbestos-containing materials that do not require a license. This is because any exposure to asbestos fibers from this type of work is not expected to present a significant risk, provided that the correct precautions are taken. 然而, under the asbestos regulations that came into force in April 2012, there are now two categories of 'non-licensed' work, 其中之一, 'notifiable non-licensed work (NNLW)', has additional requirements for employers. For more information on what work is classified as NNLW. HSE has produced a series of task sheets on the appropriate controls for non-licensed work.



Under the Control of 石棉 Regulations 2012, it is the responsibility of the duty holder to ensure any asbestos has been identified prior to the commencement of works. Employers must not undertake work until a suitable & sufficient assessment has been undertaken (i.e. 石棉类型, 矩阵, 位置, 和条件), with the aim to prevent or reduce potential exposures to asbestos and reduce any risks to the lowest practicable level.


What do I need to consider during my 石棉清除 project?


Here are 10 things to consider when managing your 石棉清除 project:

  1. 石棉 survey type – This can be from the management plan or refurb survey report
  2. 合同协议 & technical specification – define agreed KPIs
  3. 方法的声明 & 风险评估 
  4. 许可证 & 保险证明 
  5. Analyst/contractor site logs – what system will you use to monitor activities?
  6. 石棉更新登记册 
  7. Waste transfer notes – you can still be liable for asbestos-containing materials after it leaves your site, ensure you know where your waste is going
  8. Chain of communications – Setting up the correct lines of communication with your team and contractors can help you save time and money
  9. 空气测试及监察 – To make sure no asbestos is still in the workplace
  10. Four Stage Clearance Certificate – This will be required to show the HSE if required or for your records


Need help managing your 石棉清除 project?

im体育APP 环境 work independently from all licensed 石棉清除 contractors (LARC), 只在 asbestos inspection, testing, and consultancy services. We operate an independent assurance team internally to impartially monitor our performance so you can be assured that your 石棉清除 project is being monitored without bias.

Our team also provides a project-specific 石棉清除 tender specification as part of our asbestos abatement project management service. With help running an efficient and on-budget 石棉清除 project contact our team for more information.

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