Achieve accurate data insights and compliance through im体育APP’s GC/MS analysis services, 拥有世界一流的气相色谱设备. 我们提供液体注入和热解吸两种方法, 根据您的具体分析需求量身定制. 受益于精度和可靠性, backed by ISO 17025 accreditation and approved by the US Consumer 产品 Safety Commission (CPSC).



GC/MS分析是一种准确度较高的分析方法, 用于分离, 然后识别和量化, 复杂混合物中的单个物质成分. It achieves this by combining two methods - 气体 chromatography and mass spectrometry. It is particularly beneficial for materials where low detection limits are required, 并可用于评估样品在任何大小的化学状态, 即使样品数量有限. 

有许多不同的GC/MS技术. 在im体育APP, we offer two of the most commonly requested ones; thermal desorption and liquid injection. There are also many different applications but GC/MS analysis is particularly helpful for detecting and analyzing volatile and semi-volatile compounds.


Key Benefits of partnering with im体育APP for GC/MS分析服务:

  • 结果准确、可重复 - The high precision of GC/MS delivers accurate and reproducible results, 为您提供可靠的数据, essential for decision-making and communication with stakeholders.
  • 测试程序与您的产品一样独特 – Our GC/MS procedures can be tailored to your needs; im体育APP’s experts can assist you in identifying individual compounds within complex mixtures, providing precise information about the molecular structure and composition of substances crucial for accurate 识别.
  • 高灵敏度设备 -如果检测痕量在您的应用程序中至关重要, GC/MS是一种很好的分析方法. Our world-class equipment and engaged experts are capable of identifying compounds even in the parts per billion or parts per trillion range.



We understand that you face constantly evolving standards regarding the presence of specific compounds. Our ISO 17025 accredited and US Consumer 产品 Safety Commission (CPSC) approved GC/MS services are designed to help you not only meet and maintain, 还要适应这些监管要求. Trust our experts to be your ally in staying ahead of regulatory shifts and ensuring your continued adherence to the highest industry standards.


We recognize the importance of detecting and quantifying pollutants in your air, 水, 和土壤, so our advanced GC/MS capabilities offer a precise and comprehensive approach. 利用世界一流的气相色谱设备, our services empower you to thoroughly assess the impact of human activities on their environment with exceptional accuracy. Our detailed reports can help you make changes to safeguard surroundings and reinforce your dedication to environmental responsibility.







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  • Liquid injection – involves the direct injection of liquid and 气体 samples into 气体 chromatography, 促进蒸发, 识别, 和量化.
  • 热解吸。固体样品, thermal desorption / solvent extraction techniques can help to evaluate them, 同时尽量减少样品数量的消耗. In certain instances where more than one substance is under investigation, the analysis may require multiple samples to ensure comprehensive and accurate results.
  • 挥发性有机化合物 & S挥发性有机化合物测试 GC/MS - highly effective method for detecting volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds, 哪些是由州和国家法律规定的. 
  • Headspace GC/MS - analyze volatile compounds by heating a closed sampling vessel and analyzing the vapor.
  • 清洗 & Trap GC/MS - initially favored for monitoring 挥发性有机化合物s in drinking 水, 这种方法现在已被常规地应用于环境分析, 提高了水性基质的效率.

Additional GC/MS capabilities we offer include: compound separations, 合规认证, 混合物的鉴别和定量, 除气的研究, 残留分析, 碎片/污染识别, 杂质, RoHS测试, 还有可提取塑料.



为您的GC/MS分析需求选择值得信赖的合作伙伴, backed by ISO 17025 accreditation and approval from the US Consumer 产品 Safety Commission (CPSC). This accreditation and endorsement demonstrates our compliance and continuous alignment with the latest regulatory standards, ensuring you can have unwavering confidence in the analysis of your products.

We specialize in intricate projects that demand exceptional accuracy and precision. 我们聘请的专家, 位于美国和亚洲的战略位置, have extensive training in the intricacies of GC/MS analysis and method development tailored to your needs. 

我们的团队 is equipped with the expertise to navigate the complexities of your unique project. We ensure that your analytical requirements are handled with the highest level of professionalism and proficiency. 不要犹豫 立即im体育APP to discuss our comprehensive GC/MS analysis services, or 了解更多 about im体育APP的凭证


这里列出了最常用的标准. If the standard you're looking to test to isn't on our list, don't hesitate to contact us. We're here to guide you through the optimal testing approach aligned with industry standards:

GB / T 22048 - 2008
Tm 001-50 
Tm MSQS 001-50
Tm MSQV 001-50 
Tm ndma 001-50 
Tm pah 004-50 
Tm PCP 003-50
Tm voc 003-50 
US环保署8260年D: 2017 – Refer to appendix 1 for the list of organic compounds 
US环保署8270年E: 2017 – Refer to appendix 2 for the list of semi volatile organic compounds 


Operational impacts and benefits of determining Methanol Concentration by Gas 色谱法

Chromatographic analysis is one of the most cost-effective and straightforward methods of examining Methanol concentration, 了解更多.  im体育官方app下载

真菌毒素:应用程序 & 测试方法

Learn more about the wide range of sample matrices for several mycotoxins by validated LC/MS-MS methods. im体育官方app下载


我们的团队超过9人,在北美聘用了000名专家, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, 亚洲和非洲随时准备帮助你们.