Charpy impact testing provides a wealth of material data with a single impact strength test, helping determine if your material is suitable for its intended application, 确保组件和成品的安全性和完整性. 由ISO 17025认证的测试实验室提供支持, Element’s Charpy impact test services deliver precise test results with competitive turnaround times, 帮助您与国际标准接轨.



A Charpy impact test, 也被称为夏比v形缺口测试, is a destructive method designed to measure the amount of energy that a material can absorb as it fractures. Understanding this helps to predict how the material will react to impact loading and is, therefore, an essential determining factor when assessing if your material is suitable for a particular application. 

用摆锤臂击打有缺口的试样, 夏比冲击试验测量断裂时吸收的能量, also providing valuable insights into the material's toughness and resistance to brittle fracture. 夏比冲击试验对材料表征程序至关重要, 为设计和性能评估提供关键信息.



  • Drive R&D和通知材料选择:  Charpy impact testing with Element provides essential data to understand how different compositions and treatments affect the impact resistance of materials, 指导设计改进, 鼓励改进材料的发展, 让你在材料选择上做出明智的决定.
  • 证明符合im体育平台app下载标准:  Ensure that your products meet safety requirements and perform at the level expected in your specific industry, 为您提供更大的市场准入,提高客户信任度. Element provides the Charpy impact test services in accordance with multiple International standards such as NADCAP, ISO 148, ASTM E23适用于金属和聚合物材料.
  • 保障终端用户安全提升质量控制 在建筑或运输等安全关键应用中, 我们的测试确保您的材料能够承受冲击力, safeguarding end-users. Testing with us integrates seamlessly into your quality control processes, ensuring ongoing assessment to uphold and enhance overall product quality.
  • 主动管理风险: Understanding your materials' behaviour under impact allows early identification and mitigation of potential failure risks, 提高产品的安全性和可靠性. 我们的专家测试识别并解决弱点, defects, 或者市场前的不一致, minimizing the risk of material failure and ensuring high-quality outcomes.



有一个全面的测试选项在您的处置, our experts can tailor services to align uniquely with the characteristics of your product. 这种灵活性允许您优化测试协议, ensuring that the scope of testing precisely meets your project requirements without unnecessary expenses. Moreover, 我们精简的测试流程, 多年的经验磨练, 促进有效的周转时间. By offering a broad spectrum of testing capabilities and customization options, 我们授权你做出明智的决定, mitigate risks, and ultimately enhance cost-effectiveness and project timelines through Charpy testing services.



Sample preparation for Charpy impact testing is a crucial step involving shaping specimens to specific dimensions and notching them to precise standards to produce accurate results. We understand the issues faced when preparing large or irregularly shaped materials. Our experts employ specialized techniques suited to each material to ensure uniform specimen dimensions and precise notching, guaranteeing the accuracy and reliability of your Charpy impact test results. This ensures you can confidently navigate diverse material types while obtaining accurate and meaningful outcomes.

Lee Mangham - Element Sheffield

Lee Mangham


Read more about Lee

Justin Riebesel, PE, CWI

Expert metallurgist, Quality Manager and Deputy Export Compliance Officer READ MORE ABOUT JUSTIN


  • 环境和低温测试
  • 低温测试能力
  • 韧性-脆性转变曲线
  • 塑性与变形
  • u型缺口,v型缺口和双缺口 
  • 能量吸收特性
  • Lateral expansion
  • Percent shear
  • 结晶度和剪切测定
  • Use of state-of-the-art Charpy impact machines with a capacity of 450 Joules
  • 动态夏比冲击缓冲
  • 动态夏比冲击-重力
  • 动态沙比冲击-冲击失效机制 


Why Choose Element? 

Elements’ commitment extends beyond conducting tests; we actively assist in crafting complex test procedures, ensuring precision and relevance to your unique international requirements. 拥有经验丰富的专家团队和最先进的实验室, 我们可以在解释测试结果方面为您提供宝贵的支持, 提供原始数据之外的见解.

贯穿整个项目生命周期, 从启动到提交一份综合报告, our extensive testing experience positions us as a reliable partner for projects of any complexity. We recognize the challenges of finding a laboratory that offers a comprehensive suite of Charpy impact testing services. Our experts excel in delivering diverse testing solutions equipped with various instruments, 包括静态和动态夏比冲击试验. 这确保了我们能够处理广泛的测试需求, offering you a versatile and thorough evaluation of material impact resistance under various conditions.

To speak to an expert about our static and dynamic Charpy impact testing services or to request a quote, contact us today.

这里列出了最常用的标准. If the standard you're looking to test to isn't on our list, don't hesitate to contact us. We're here to guide you through the optimal testing approach aligned with industry standards.



ASTM International

ASTM A327, ASTM A370, ASTM A673, ASTM D256, ASTM D2164, ASTM D2794, ASTM D3763, ASTM D5420, ASTM D5628, ASTM E 23, ASTM E1007, ASTM E1803, ASTM E1886, ASTM E1996, ASTM F 588, ASTM F 842, ASTM F1776

British Standards

BS 131 


EN 875


Iso 83, Iso 140, Iso 148-1




Jis b1051, Jis b7722, Jis z2242

Military specification

MIL-S- 901D, MIL-STD- 202F(方法205),MIL-STD- 202g(方法207B)


NEN-EN 875

SAE International

SAE J400, SAE J1402

冲击测试640 × 480


Impact strength indicates a material's ability to withstand sudden forces or shocks without breaking, providing insights into its resilience and resistance to fracture under real-world, end-use conditions.

查比和伊佐德冲击测试推广640 x 480


在夏比冲击试验中, a notched (U-notch, V-notch, 双缺口)材料试样夹在试验装置中, 然后释放一个钟摆来撞击凹痕区域. The energy the material absorbs before its fracture is measured, indicating its impact strength.

Charpy vs. Izod:冲击测试比较

Both Charpy and Izod impact testing are popular methods of determining impact strength, or toughness, of a material. 请向专家Lee Mangham了解更多信息.



Charpy Impact strength tests are designed to determine the notch toughness of a material by measuring the amount of energy absorbed as it fractures. DOWNLOAD


Explore our case study providing insights into the behavior of materials through determining factors such as hardness, flexibility, strength, 化学成分.



Destructive testing, 也称为机械测试, subjects a material to different loads and stresses to evaluate its strength and durability. Read the article to learn about the different methods used for destructive testing. 


Our team of over 9,在北美聘用了000名专家, Europe, The Middle East, Australia, 亚洲和非洲随时准备帮助你们.