Are you confident in how well your materials withstand the relentless impact of exposure to ultraviolet light?  Element's specialized UV testing services across the globe can provide you with precise data and valuable insights to verify your products’ reaction to sunlight. Strengthen the competitive market position of your products with our robust testing, 为更明智的产品设计, 更好的质量保证, 并解决潜在的责任问题.


What is UV Testing?

紫外线(UV)测试, 也被称为紫外线照射, light fastness or accelerated weathering reproduces the damaging conditions of ultraviolet radiation in a controlled laboratory environment. 曝光条件采用UV组合, and sometimes humidity and water spray to test materials and components for light fastness and degradation. 

Any product that has exposure to light - whether constant exposure (such as through being outside) or intermittent (perhaps indoors or behind glass) should undergo some form of UV weathering testing. 暴露在紫外线辐射下导致的问题包括变色, 光泽度降低, cracking, crazing, chalking, blistering, hazing, 或者产品在相对较短的时间内完全失效. 

紫外线测试通常在曝光后伴随着其他测试方法, such as adhesion, gloss, color, and strength testing.



  • 多样化的材料专业知识: Our experts specialize in conducting weathering tests on a wide range of materials and components, including polymers, textiles, and paint finishes, ensuring a versatile and thorough assessment tailored to your specific needs.
  • 与测试协议集成: Element helps seamlessly integrate UV testing into your existing product testing protocols, ensuring a streamlined quality assurance process for efficiency in product development.
  • 自定义项目功能: We excel in unique, custom projects, providing tailored solutions that address your specific challenges and requirements.
  • 浏览法规遵从性: Element’s expertise helps ensure your products meet the necessary UV testing standards  and regulations for global market access. 
  • 精简国际解决方案: im体育APP导航不同的监管框架, offering standardized testing processes and consistent reporting for businesses with global operations.



紫外线测试提供可靠的测试结果,对生产计划至关重要, specifications, 以及明智的决策. 我们的紫外线测试服务为比较提供了文件基础, 提供您的材料和产品的详细见解. 自信地做出战略决策, 减少潜在的产品责任索赔, and ensure your production processes adhere to the highest standards of quality. 



我们的承诺不仅仅是遵守. Element ensures that your products often surpass industry benchmarks by tailoring the testing process to your unique industry requirements. 这种方法允许您对已建立的规范进行基准测试, 定位你的产品在市场上具有竞争力. 结合紫外线测试产生的宝贵数据, you can market your products as superior in terms of performance and appearance. 


Daisie Lane



“UV testing is an excellent way to gain valuable data on your product’s performance, 不用等好几年. To be able to understand the potential degradation of your product is beneficial in terms of product design and quality assurance.”

Daisie Lane



Element offers comprehensive Ultraviolet exposure and UV testing services to assess material performance against damaging UV effects, 包括但不限于:

  • 测试与可编程的温度,湿度和辐照度,包括 Xenon Arc, Solar Simulation, Florescent QUV, and outdoor exposure like Florida and Arizona
  • 紫外线曝晒测试符合国际标准, including ASTM, ISO, MIL-STD,  and SAE
  • 太阳光谱校准, covering ultraviolet, visible, 红外波段光谱, enhances precision
  • Advanced chambers such as Atlas Ci3000, Ci4000 and Ci5000, SUGA SX75 and Q-Lab QUV
  • 各种过滤器,如石英, Borosilicate S, Soda Lime, CIRA, and Xenochrome, 复制自然光以及通过玻璃/窗户的暴露
  • Pre and post-test assessments at various intervals such as Gloss measurements (60֯, 85֯, 20֯)LAB颜色测量, 和AATCC灰度读数
  • Mechanical testing 如冲击强度和断裂伸长率
  • 油漆表面测试,如附着力和高压清洗
  • Interpreting test results and technical data and helping to understand their implications for product quality and durability 


Why Choose Element?

Element为各种材料提供专门的紫外线测试, providing with you crucial insights into your products tailored to your specific requirements. 在美国和欧洲都有实验室, we provide a unified solution for businesses with global operations that removes the challenges you may face when engaging with separate testing providers.

我们承诺遵守严格的紫外线测试标准, such as ASTM G154, ASTM G155, ISO 4892-2&3, and MIL-STD-810, 保证您的产品符合im体育平台app下载标准, 帮助你在竞争中获得竞争优势. 

Our experts deliver unique, custom projects that simulate long-term full-spectrum UV. Actinic effects and have an innovative and adaptable approach to testing methodologies. 

有良好的业绩记录, 有效利用资源, 及时的测试周转, 测试后支持, Element是您紫外线暴露和紫外线测试的可靠合作伙伴 加速老化试验 requirements.

要了解更多关于Element的信息,请访问我们的 About Us page. To find out more about our capabilities and how Element can help you meet your UV weathering and accelerated aging requirements, 今天就和专家联系.

Our Engaged Experts conduct UV Exposure Testing in compliance with the primary standards established by international organizations, including:

美国检验学会 & Materials - ASTM D1149, ASTM D1171, ASTM D518 , ASTM D573, ASTM D750, ASTM D865, ASTM D4329, ASTM D4587, ASTM D4674, ASTM D5208, ASTM D2565, ASTM D4355, ASTM D4459, ASTM D5071, ASTM D6551, ASTM D6695, ASTM D7869, ASTM G147, ASTM G151, ASTM G152, ASTM G153, ASTM G154, ASTM G155, ASTM G23

国际标准组织 - iso 188, iso 1431, iso 4892-2, iso 4892-3, din 75220

Military Standards - MIL-STD-810Society of Automotive Engineers - SAE J1885, SAE J2020, SAE J2412, SAE J2527, SAE J1976 

其他汽车OEM厂商 - SAE J1885, SAE J2020, SAE J2412, SAE J2527, SAE J1976, Nissan NES M0135, 通用汽车GM9125P, Volkswagen PV1303, PV3920 and PV3930, 福特FLTM BO 116-01等.


During UV testing, your sample will be exposed to controlled UV radiation (per the decided specification), often using a test chamber simulating real-use conditions at an accelerated speed. Lab technicians will then observe your material and draw practical conclusions regarding visual and structural changes.


Because of the variety of environmental factors involved in real-world scenarios, 比如地理位置或天气, it is not possible to directly and accurately correlate laboratory UV testing with specific time frames of real-world aging. However, benchmarks suggest suitable durations of exposure to ensure confidence in the product’s performance.

风化试验:解释DIN 75 220

DIN 75 220 is a testing requirement of many automotive manufacturers that provides critical insight to help assess and improve product quality and durability. READ MORE

ASTM G154和G155说明

Engaged Expert Terry Candlish discusses ASTM G154 and G155 tests which are used to evaluate sunlight and moisture exposure.


Our team of over 9,在北美聘用了000名专家, Europe, The Middle East, Australia, 亚洲和非洲随时准备帮助你们.