About Element Baltimore

Element Baltimore is an internationally accredited, world-renowned, 提供全方位服务的失效分析测试设施,专门从事材料测试,符合包括ASTM在内的众多im体育平台app下载标准, IPC and MIL-Specs.

如果您有技术问题或需要帮助设计测试计划, you will work one-on-one with our technical experts, 许多人担任im体育平台app下载标准编写委员会主席,包括ASTM和IPC.

Printed circuit board

Printed Circuit Board / Assembly (PCB/PCA)

印刷电路板是任何印刷电路组装的基础. 我们的国际认可实验室被批准进行IPC-6012的PCB测试, IPC-6013, IPC-6016, IPC-6018, MIL-PRF-55110, MIL-P-50884, MIL-PRF-31032 or MIL-STD-810. This includes the bare PCB, the finished assembly (PCA), and the raw materials that comprise the PCB and PCA. We have been assessing board quality for over 30 years, in addition to performing full root cause failure analysis. To ensure the conformance of your product, 当使用新的供应商或改变生产工艺的一个步骤时,建议进行PCB/PCA测试.

ASTM Testing

With decades of experience as an ASTM testing lab for over 1,000 ASTM test methods, we are ISO 17025 and A2LA accredited. 我们的专家是许多不同ASTM委员会的成员,并参与了20多年. We have contributed to the publication of hundreds of ASTM methods. Our specialty goes well beyond being a standard ASTM testing lab. In addition to testing in direct accordance with ASTM test methods, 我们通过修改个别方法来提供独特的解决方案,以满足客户的需求. 这包括调整方法以适应独特的样本或需求, 以及在非标准环境条件下执行方法.

Environmental Testing

无论您是测试卫星组件还是太阳能电池,都是为了在最具挑战性的沙漠环境中发挥作用, 没有什么可以代替Element Baltimore的环境测试. 当您的组件需要在极端温度范围和天气条件下工作时, environmental testing including altitude, thermal shock / cycling, humidity, 紫外线和其他形式的动态测试可以帮助您满足客户的期望, adhere to regulatory standards and even avoid litigation.

Electrical Testing

我们提供全方位的电子测试,以验证您的电子元件和组件在各种环境条件下的安全和合规操作. 我们拥有内部专业知识,为您提供所需的所有信息-包括主动监测和深入分析的服务. 通过精确测量从接触电阻到介电强度的一切, 我们为您提供所需的测试和文档,让您对您的电子元件充满信心.

IPC Testing & Training

Element Baltimore在各种IPC标准的测试和认证方面有着悠久的历史,是第一个IPC验证服务合格测试实验室. 我们的员工积极参与im体育平台app下载组织,如大会和加入委员会, the 7-11 Test Methods Subcommittee, J-STD-004 Flux Specification Task Group, the SIR and Electrochemical Migration Task Group, the Ionic Conductivity task group, and all of the training development groups. We have the resources and experience to discuss, develop, perform, train to, and interpret IPC qualification and conformance to common standards.

Outgassing Analysis

Element Baltimore提供了一种专有的除气分析方法, which includes testing in accordance with ASTM E595. 除气分析是航天领域客户的一项关键服务,涉及到技术专长和有效控制设计的结合,以实现预期的结果. By quantifying the gasses released from specific materials, 客户能够更好地保护控制面和电子系统. Additionally, 我们提供TQCM(温控石英晶体微天平)服务,我们的放气测试台允许在温度和真空度方面对标准方法进行灵活性和定制.

RTCA DO-160 Testing and MIL-STD-810 Testing

In addition to our ASTM and IPC work, 我们有能力和资格为我们的客户提供第4部分的测试, 5, 11, 13, and 26 of the RTCA DO-160 standard. The MIL-STD-810 sections 500 through 504, 507, 508 and 512 are also routinely tested by our laboratory.

Chemical Testing

巴尔的摩im体育APP是世界知名的化学测试实验室,在成分方面具有专业知识, flammability, ion chromatography and more. 确保您的产品符合法规和正确的化学成分, 我们在测试产品方面非常熟练,以满足ASTM国际等领先组织的标准, UL, IPC and U.S. Department of Defense MIL-STD and/or MIL-SPEC. 

Mechanical Testing

我们定期进行机械测试,让客户充分了解其产品的物理和机械极限. By identifying vulnerabilities early in a product’s development, 我们的机械测试服务可以帮助您开发出一流的产品,使您超越竞争对手. Whether you need to measure elasticity, impact resistance or another product characteristic, 我们的机械测试范围意味着您可以信赖最终产品的完整性.

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Approvals, accreditations and documents

  • Baltimore A2LA Chemical ISO 17025 Certificate and Scope
    PDF - 463.67 KB View
  • Baltimore A2LA Electrical ISO 17025 Certificate and Scope
    PDF - 501.05 KB View
  • Baltimore A2LA Mechanical ISO 17025 Certificate and Scope
    PDF - 468.29 KB View