Bringing innovative medical products to the marketplace is a high‐risk venture. That’s why im体育APP strives to provide absolute testing certainty by delivering accurate and reliable results for our clients’ medical product testing needs, 从小型, start-up ventures to large, established manufacturers.

Understanding the urgency of compressing product development cycle time helps to get your product to market faster. Your intellectual property is secure, and any test methods or technology we develop remains within your ownership. We understand the commercial demands on your time, so offering flexibility and efficiency is important to us. 

The im体育APP advantage

Our Engaged Experts work closely with customers to support them at every stage of their product lifecycle, from initial concept development to prototype manufacturing, process and release test method development and implementation.

im体育APP has a proud history supporting customers to introduce new patented products and processes to the dynamic medical device industry. With a clear understanding of your markets, regulations, and challenges, we utilize our expertise and experience to help reduce your product development cycle-time and improve the speed of innovation.

We offer a full range of medical device testing, including:

  • Medical device prototype design
  • Materials selection
  • 产品 and process development/combination products development
  • Equipment design and medical device fabrication
  • Custom polymer synthesis
  • Failure analysis
  • Regulation/equivalency testing

For more information about our medical product testing or to request a quote, im体育APP 今天. 


Our team of over 9,000 Engaged Experts in North America, 欧洲, The Middle East, 澳大利亚, Asia and Africa are ready to help you.