Airborne hazardous substances are serious health hazards, 导致刺激, 敏化作用, 和致癌性. Workplace air monitoring is undertaken to establish the airborne levels of specific hazardous substances workers are likely to be exposed to within the workplace. 

Workplace air monitoring may be required following concerns over air quality, periodic verification of control measures efficiency or as part of a risk assessment. Workplace air monitoring requirements are usually determined following risk assessments carried out under the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations 2002. Regulation 10 covers explicitly the monitoring of exposure and provides organizations with measurement data to make informed decisions on the site COSHH评估.

im体育APP’s highly experienced team of qualified occupational hygienists specializes in delivering a range of 工作场所空气监测 services for use within a diverse range of operating environments, 包括定量 面部贴合测试.

Our 工作场所空气监测 services are undertaken in accordance with the most appropriate UK Methods of Determining Hazardous Substances (MDHS) published by HSE or by internationally recognized standards or methods published by organizations such as NIOSH, 是的。, OSHA.

Our occupational hygienists undertake monitoring using the latest equipment, which is calibrated pre and post sampling. Using portable pumps known volumes of air are drawn through sample media positioned in an individual’s breathing zone or for background measurements fixed in static locations with subsequent analysis for individual airborne contaminants. All sample analytical work is undertaken at ISO accredited analytical laboratories that participate in the externally audited proficiency schemes.

We provide results in interpretive technical reports comparing measured concentrations to Workplace Exposure Limits (WEL) published in the HSE document EH40, Occupational Exposure Limits (OEL) or Control Limits published in HSE Regulations or International OELS (where applicable), which give our customers clear explanations in terms of their compliance with the CLAW and COSHH regulations, and practical advice on appropriate corrective actions and provide control measures where necessary.

For more information about our 工作场所空气监测 services, im体育APP 今天.

HSG173 Monitoring strategies for toxic substances

MDHS 14/4 General methods for sampling and gravimetric analysis of respirable, 胸, and inhalable aerosols (UKAS Accredited)

MDHS 25/4 Organic isocyanates in air

MDHS 47/3 Determination of rubber process dust and rubber fume (measured as cyclohexane-soluble material) in air

MDHS 59/2 Machine-made fibres

MDHS 83/3 Resin acids in rosin (colophony) solder flux fume

MDHS 84/2 Measurement of oil mist from mineral oil-based metalworking fluids

MDHS 86/2空气中的肼

NIOSH 5524 Metalworking fluids

MDHS 91/2 Metals and metalloids in air by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (Mercury)

MDHS 95/3 Measurement of personal exposure of metalworking machine operators to airborne water-mix metalworking fluid

MDHS 101/2 Crystalline silica in respirable airborne dust

MDHS 102空气中的醛

MDHS 104 Volatile organic compounds

NIOSH 5000炭黑

NIOSH 5040 Diesel Particulate Matter (as im体育APPal Carbon)

NIOSH 6015氨

NIOSH 7300 Metal im体育APPs by ICP

Niosh 7903,7904. 7906, 7907, 7908 Methods for Sampling and Analysis of Airborne Inorganic Acids

OSHA ID-214 Ozone In Workplace Atmospheres

是的。 10882健康 & Safety in Welding and Allied Processes - Sampling of Airborne Particles and Gases in the Operator’s Breathing Zone

是的。 16000-4: 2004 Diffusive sampling and formaldehyde in air

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