导航到遵从性的复杂路径, 加快你的上市时间, and unlock access to  internet of things networks around the world with Element’s cutting-edge IoT testing services and IoT certification. 



IoT testing and certification involve evaluating your IoT devices' functionality, performance, security, interoperability, 和合规性,以确保他们符合im体育平台app下载标准, regulatory requirements, 以及终端用户的期望. The specific types of testing your devices will require and what parameters they need to meet during testing will be different depending on where you intend to sell the product. 这个过程通常包括测试物联网设备的硬件, software, connectivity, and data handling capabilities and assessing their compatibility with different networks and protocols. Going through the certification process then validates that the IoT devices comply with established standards and regulations, ensuring reliability, security, 以及部署和使用的市场准备.



  • 加快上市时间: 拥有广泛的设备类型和im体育平台app下载的专业知识, 我们有广泛的能力来提供您需要的测试. 我们的专家帮助您明确测试选择, 提供关于哪些技术最适合您的需求的指导, 并提供可靠的结果与快速周转时间, 让你更快进入市场. 
  • 遵守法规,向全球扩张: Element offers comprehensive compliance assurance services to guide you through complex regulatory challenges in the competitive international market. Our supportive global market access strategies enable you to expand into international markets while maintaining compliance and reliability. 提供认证支持和咨询服务, we help you stay competitive and become a global player in your industry.
  • 防范安全漏洞: 尽早识别和处理任何漏洞, 我们拥有全面的安全检测服务, 包括安全测试, 渗透测试(模拟攻击), and advisory services. Mitigate the risk of your IoT devices introducing vulnerabilities into existing infrastructure, safeguard your customers, 维护网络的完整性. 
  • Ensure interoperability: Ensure that your IoT device will seamlessly integrate with and communicate with other devices and networks. Element provides interoperability testing 到最新的生态系统设备级别, helping to prevent fragmented ecosystems and creating smoother product interactions, 不管制造商是谁. 
  • Remain reliable: Simulate real-world scenarios and test live network environments to ensure your IoT devices perform reliably under various stressors. Element’s reliability and scalability testing services help translate these findings to actionable performance improvements, 优化设备的可靠性. 



Your IoT devices will receive precise and comprehensive evaluation at our advanced testing facilities. Our state-of-the-art testing labs feature the latest reverb chamber technology, 我们还根据您的需求提供灵活的测试功能. 超越了传统的消声室和半消声室, our facilities enable thorough testing of your devices in a variety of simulated real-world scenarios. 利用广泛的协议知识, we ensure correct setup and configuration to fully exercise your devices during testing, 提供可靠的结果,帮助您做出明智的决定.



Accelerate your IoT devices’ time to market and seize emerging market opportunities with our scalable, 定制测试解决方案和最先进的设施. Our comprehensive services ensure efficient product development and reliable performance, 从早期认证到实时网络测试. Our early-stage qualification (ESQ) experts steer your design decisions, 防止遵从性问题和代价高昂的延迟. 我们在实时网络中进行端到端测试, ensuring fast, 为您的物联网设备提供可靠的连接. 

Michael Derby

Michael Derby


Read more about Michael


Devices we test include:

  • Cellular Radios
  • WiFi Devices
  • RFID Devices
  • Zigbee Devices
  • Bluetooth Devices
  • BLE(低功耗蓝牙)设备


Our IoT testing services

  • Functional testing
  • Performance testing
  • Interoperability testing
  • Protocol testing
  • Exploratory testing
  • Application testing
  • Security testing
  • Software testing
  • Usability testing
  • 空中(OTA)测量
  • Penetration testing
  • Compatibility testing
  • 可靠性和可伸缩性测试
  • Pre-deployment testing
  • Wireless coexistence
  • Live network testing



在需要时,我们会将您的物联网测试与相关 EMC, Radio, Safety, and SAR 适用于设备无线功能的标准. Our 全球市场准入(GMA) team advises on the best compliance route for achieving necessary certifications.


Advisory testing

随着众多技术要求物联网接入, ensuring that your device integrates successfully with existing infrastructure can impact testing costs and end-market expenses. Our advisory services prevent compliance failures, reduce time to market, and minimize costly redesign and retesting.


专家测试- IIoT(工业4).0)

Element的物联网专家是工业物联网的专家. 工业物联网(IIoT)也被称为工业4.0或“智能制造”, 集成智能数字技术, machine learning, and big data to enhance connectivity and operations in manufacturing and supply chain management sectors. Unlike traditional IoT, 工业物联网强调机器对机器的通信, utilizing cognitive technology and artificial intelligence to make autonomous decisions, resulting in a range of applications from household chores to complex logistical operations. As machines take on more decision-making roles, safety becomes paramount. im体育APP与标准组织协作, industry forums, 和制造商确保工业物联网设备符合安全要求, functionality, and interoperability standards through rigorous testing and certification services.


Why choose Element? 

作为议会im体育平台app下载的领先供应商, 在我们的许多设施中获得了各种A2LA和UKAS认证, we ensure compliance with diverse wireless standards and regulatory requirements. 我们聘请的专家可以进行现场网络测试, ensuring fast communication and reliable connections under a wide range of conditions. Additionally, 我们的咨询服务提供宝贵的指导, 缩短上市时间,最大限度地减少昂贵的重新设计.

我们全面的测试覆盖, 最先进的设施, and protocol expertise, Element为您的无线设备提供无与伦比的支持, 使我们成为您物联网测试需求的值得信赖的合作伙伴. Element’s diverse test capabilities mean that your test plan can also seamlessly integrate other relevant EMC, radio, 根据需要进行安全和SAR标准测试, saving you time and money.

For more information about Element 并讨论您的项目需求或探索我们的定制测试 contact us today

IoT Ecosystems and Protocols we conduct testing for include but are not limited to: 

  • Zigbee Certification
  • 生态系统互操作性测试
  • Openhome Certification
  • Comcast Ecosystem
  • Icontrol Ecosystem
  • Xfinity Ecosystem
  • Controlscope认证
  • GE Ecosystem
  • Daintree Ecosystem   
  • 数字增强无绳通信(DECT)
  • 综合业务数字网(ISDN) 
  • CTIA Over the Air (OTA)测试
  • 射频暴露评估,包括SAR
  • FCC, ISED, ETSI和MIC测试和认证


通过我们在RED和 FCC certification process to achieve CE and FCC marking for smart and connected IoT devices.


5G新无线电- 5G无线接入技术

5G允许服务提供商定制无线连接, 这是一个对物联网如何运作很重要的功能. 5G is equally adept at handling both machine-to-machine (M2M) and person-to-person communication.

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As more people are working from home recently, internet connectivity can be slow or intermittent. 这里有一些技巧可以改善你的人际关系.

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Our team of over 9,在北美聘用了000名专家, Europe, The Middle East, Australia, 亚洲和非洲随时准备帮助你们.