im体育APP的服务适用性(FFS)评估有助于确定您的设备是否安全,是否适合继续运行. It prevents failures, minimizes risks, eliminates costly repairs.  

Assessment procedures are used by the 石油 & 气体, , Power Generation, Chemical Processing industries for integrity management and to evaluate fitness for 服务 of pressure containing equipment. 

元件可以根据API 579-1/ASME FFS-1国际标准评估各种部件的结构和机械完整性, including boiler, 余热锅炉, pressure vessels, chemical 反应堆, storage tanks, piping systems, pipelines. From design to decommissioning, 我们的适用性评估可帮助您避免脆性和韧性断裂以及金属损失, make cost-effective run-repair-replace decisions, solve problems that may arise throughout the lifecycle of a component.  

Assessments according to API 579/ASME FFS-1

im体育APP常规执行API 579/ASME FFS-1标准,以评估不同类型缺陷的稳定性和传播速率, which can be found in a component both in the design and in 服务. 我们的专家在无损检测和金相复制方面具有2级和3级的专业知识 fracture toughness, finite element analysis (FEA)乏力 testing

Our approach

Equipment may contain flaws, become damaged, 或者老化,以致无法使用原始的建筑规范进行评估. API 579-1/ASME FFS1可用于评估设备的持续运行. It allows:

  • 工作条件下的热-力学分析(温度和应变):正常工作, transients, predictable exceptional or faulted 服务 conditions. 
  • 在正常操作条件下的结构分析,旨在检测异常(由于腐蚀/侵蚀导致的厚度减少), 下沉/位移的支撑/锚),以评估进一步的使用和任何纠正措施的必要性
  • 设计,设计验证,缺陷部件评估和再确认.
  • 根据公认的程序和标准(API 579)对运行条件进行缺陷传播率评估和稳定性评估, BS 7910, 挪威船级社, NE R5, NE R6). 
  • 对结构检测结果进行评估,并对检测到的缺陷的严重程度进行评估
  • Assisting failure analysis investigation and evaluation of the plausibility of a failure scenario

im体育APP's FFS assessment 服务s


  • Boiler and heat recovery steam generator components (headers, drums, 等.)
  • Piping (water/steam/气体 piping, 过程 piping, penstocks, 等.)
  • Turbine (rotors and housing)
  • Other plant components (pressure vessels, 阀门, 管道, 管件, 炉, 反应堆, heat exchangers, storage tanks, 等.)
欲了解更多im体育APPFFS评估服务的信息或获得报价, contact us 今天.
Fitness for Service

FFS on 氢 Pipeline 系统s


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At the first stage, this activity involves the assessment of materials certificates, operational data, project documentation made available from clients. If required, 可以在现场进行无损检测复制,一旦完成了明确的数据集,就可以开始ECA阶段. 

According to reference standards and associated criterias such as ASME B31.8, ASME B31.12, EIGA guidelines IGC Doc 121/14 “氢 Pipeline 系统s”, 我们在具有代表性的管道组件上运行ECA,并确定预测组件的寿命以及其对H2和天然气运输的适用性.

Fitness for Service

FFS on generator rotor retaining rings

im体育APP对发电机固定转子环进行FFS测试,以避免发电机和相关涡轮机的灾难性故障. 我们可以进行分析,评估挡环的可靠性,以确定是否需要维修或更换.

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发电机转子托环通常是发电机和整个汽轮发电机组中受力最大的部件, including both steam turbines and combustion turbines.


Fitness for Service


im体育APP has a wide range of knowledge including structural analysis, materials science, control techniques, 对能源生产部件进行FFS评估和可靠性评估, the 过程 supports/anchors, power plants.

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工厂部件在制造过程和使用寿命期间可能存在缺陷, 这降低了最初设计时的安全性和完整性. 

能源 production, 过程, power plants such as nuclear power plants (NPP) and Hydro Power Plants, which often use complex systems, 是否位于不利的环境中,并与居住在邻近地区的人口和其他基础设施(如公路和铁路)有重大互动. For these reasons, safety aspects play a fundamental role in all phases of their life cycle; design, fabrication, construction, 服务, operation and decommissioning.  

我们可以根据国际公认的程序和法规评估组件的稳定性, 不仅要考虑实际的缺陷或物质条件,还要考虑它们在正常使用条件下的未来演变.

FAQ: What is an Engineering Critical Assessment (ECA)


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ECA is used in many ways, 包括改进焊接标准或确保新的或现有资产的适用性. But what is ECA, where can it apply, what are the benefits? Our on-demand webinar provides answers.

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Collapsed 风 Tower - A root cause investigation

风力涡轮机被设计成能够承受恶劣的环境条件——而且大多数情况下都能承受. 185米风塔倒塌失效调查实例研究.

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